Childcare Dialogue Campaign

The ECD Network for Kenya in partnership with the Africa Early Childhood Network (AfECN) and other stakeholders seeks to intensify Child Care advocacy initiatives through creating a nationwide awareness campaign on the importance of quality and affordable Child Care. The Childcare dialogue campaign themed; ‘Universal access to quality childcare and protection for children 0-5 years’ will be carried across the 8 economic blocs that will span from June to December, 2024. The goal of the campaign is to raise nationwide awareness about the importance of quality and affordable childcare, emphasizing the countr’s achievements and contributions to the continental goal. It will also highlight the critical role of childcare services for children age 0-5 years in supporting children, families, businesses, and societies, and underscore the importance of providing safe, stimulating environments during these critical developmental years.
The objectives of the campaign are;
- To showcase the strides achieved in the Child Care sector in relation to legal and policy, coordination, advocacy, research, academia and advocate for increased investment for Child Care across the country.
- To unpack the role of multi-sectoral collaboration, policy formulation and implementation, on Child Care at both National and county levels.
The nationwide campaign’s implementation strategy will include coordination, advocacy at the national and county government levels, and learning and knowledge management.
National Childcare Dialogue Campaign
The ECD Network for Kenya convened a National Childcare Dialogue Event that brought together state and non-state actors in the childcare sector to discuss childcare-related matters. The aim of the National event was to raise awareness about childcare and highlight critical policy, coordination and advocacy issues related to it. Find the relevant documents below: