Membership Guidelines


The Early Childhood Development Network for Kenya (ECDNeK) was established in September 2015 and registered by the NGOs Board of Kenya in September 2019. ECDNeK aims to work for “A society where all children, ages 0-8 years, realize holistic Early Childhood Development for lifelong success.” With a mission to promote, support and sustain an enabling Early Childhood Development (ECD) environment in Kenya.

A strong membership enables the ECD Network to bring a broad range of actors together to advance its shared vision. Membership fees that are proposed in this document will help the ECD Network to strengthen its coordination role: bringing different actors together and enabling effective collaboration between the Government of Kenya and non-state actors. It will help the ECD Network to marshal its membership to develop, adapt and implement relevant ECD policies and programs in Kenya. This will happen through training and capacity development of members on diverse topics, ECD events, research and advocacy. Through its membership, the ECDNeK will work more closely with National and County governments, organizations, parents and community members to ensure that children access and participate in high-quality, holistic ECD programs.

To achieve that, ECDNeK Secretariat was tasked by its Board to develop this policy on membership. The Membership of the Network may include: local/national organisations, regional/international actors operating locally and stationed in Kenya as well as individuals/friends of ECDNeK. ECDNeK realises the need to develop and clarify criteria for her membership. This will in turn safeguard its budding image and reputation given its diverse stakeholders and constituents while adapting to new circumstances in the context of operation.

1. Definition: ECDNeK Members

1.1.    ECD Network for Kenya defines a member as an individual, organisation or agency subscribing themselves to ECDNeK’s constitution, who shall not be less than five at any given time.

2. General Criteria

1.1.   ECDNeK is an inclusive network, which leaves no one behind. Taking into consideration the diversity among local and national actors, and individuals as well as the different contexts in which the membership operates, the following Conditions of membership, apply:

For Individuals:


1.1.    Have at least two years of experience engagement in early childhood (provide a two-pager CV, with at least two referees) for individuals or proven track record of operational activities in Kenya (provide reference letters from at least two referees),

1.2.    Be a student either studying for a Certificate, Diploma, Degree or post-graduate course in a course affiliated to ECD or be a student with interest in ECD

For organisations or other actors:

1.1.    Organisations or actors Must be locally rooted in a given community and have a proven track record of excellent working relations with or within the community; and/or individuals Must have been an active player in the ECD space over the last one year;

1.2.    Organisations or actors must have a governance structure, constitution and/or by-laws written down in a publicly available document;

1.3.    Organisations MUST not be affiliated to a terrorist organisation(s) or involved in terrorist financing as dictated by the Constitution of Kenya (2010), money laundering or any other criminal activities under international or national law;

1.4.    Organisations must have sound Financial Control Framework(s), with Financial Policies and Procedures documentation;

1.5.    Must demonstrate a presence in Kenya and an active interest in promoting effective ECD policy and practice

1.6.    Must demonstrate readiness to work collaboratively within the ECD network, promoting the spirit of co-creation to advance the interests of children under 8 years in Kenya

1.7.    Organisations can be local, national, international, bilateral or multilateral with a demonstrated interest in ECD

1.8.    Organisations can be those with special mandates on vulnerable/risk groups (such as operating in marginalised or fragile contexts, supporting gender equality, women, youth, or people with disabilities) are encouraged to join;

1.9.    Must be willing to commit, in writing (refer to membership form), to support/fund network activities through payment of Membership Fees (as applicable) and at least one of the following: support fundraising efforts with the secretariat, continually offer expertise or technical support, time or other support to enable the network to execute its functions effectively; and participate in Annual General Meetings (AGMs) where possible;

1.10.          Full member organisations, actors or individuals must be approved by the Membership Committee and Leadership (Governance) and subscribe to ECDNeK membership by-laws and related policies, especially the Child Protection (Safeguarding) policy.

How to Join

The ECDNeK provides for three types of membership:

Individual Membership

Local Organisation Membership 

CBOs and National Organisations. This refers to Kenyan organisations working either in specific regions or national level, may include small non-profit organizations or companies involved in ECD work

Corporate Organisations and International Partner Membership 

This includes INGOS, (local offices of international organisations including those that have registered locally), /Research organizations, large private companies, bilateral and multilateral organisations working in the country.