On December 18 and 19, 2024, ECDNeK visited childcare centers in Lang’ata, Thika, and Nyeri Women’s Prisons to share Christmas donations, offer emotional support, and interact with children and their caregivers. These children, aged 0 to 4, live with their mothers under the care of the Kenya Prisons Service (KPS), which ensures their safety and well-being within the prison system. The visits, attended by 12 representatives from ECDNeK, ………………Read More

In recent months, we have actively engaged in a series of impactful initiatives. From hosting insightful webinars and workshops to participating in critical policy dialogues and community centered events, our focus remains on fostering multisectoral collaboration, promoting inclusivity, and advocating for the rights of every child. Looking ahead, we are thrilled to announce upcoming events and projects that will further amplify our advocacy efforts and ………………Read More

In this newsletter, you will find updates on the various activities ECD Network for Kenya has engaged in the recent past. First, the newsletter highlights on the introductory meeting between the ECD Network members and the Director Programmes and Committees Council of Governors, our series of webinars as well as our participation in key events and conferences, such as the East African Regional Early Childhood Conference and the #ECDE stakeholders’ consultative meeting on Home Based Childcare in Kisumu County. These engagements have provided valuable…..Read More

As we reflect on the milestones achieved, it is equally important to look ahead with optimism. The challenges we face in the realm of early childhood development may be significant, but so is our collective resolve. Together, we will continue to build a brighter future for the youngest members of our society……Read more

The year begins brightly with greater resolutions set to scale our achievements. We are delighted that we had a myriad of opportunities in 2022 that scaled the organization‛s milestones in various levels. The journey was worthwhile and we are thrilled to have made it to 2023, hoping to scale greater heights. Join us in celebrating how eventful 2022 was and the captivating stories……Read more

Malezi Bora ya Awali (MBA) Documentary Pt 1

Malezi Bora ya Awali (MBA) Documentary Pt 2

This year ushered the chance to do things differently, with more intention and purpose. The editor’s message in this issue gives a summary of January to June 2022, echoing the resilience shown by the ECDNEK secretariat strive to achieve its newly launched strategic plan 2021-2025. This issue showcases a snippet on areas covered so far not limited to but inclusive of advocacy, partnerships and collaborations as well as research. The short stories give an array of the milestones achieved……Read more

Over the years, the ECDNeK has gained recognition from both National and County Governments. Currently, the ECDNeK is a memberof the National Early Childhood Education Committee (NECEC) by MOE and a member of the Technical Working Group (TWG) the National Advocacy Strategy and ECD policy by Ministry of Health and member TWG Childcare Policy Kenya Prisons Service. In 2016-2019, the ECDNeK was a member of the National Steering Committee on……Read more