THEME: From Policy & Evidence to Action



Strengthening community systems – leveraging the community health strategy down to the ward levels.

● Considering all touch points at the lowest level of implementation of the NCF
● Practical approaches and context-relevant approaches
● Use of technology in tracking, analyzing and management of ECD data
● Technology as a tool in ECD-focused support and learning
● Financing, investment and budgeting
● Regulatory and policy implementation and dissemination at the ECD-focused grassroots level
● Unpacking the children’s Act in relation to ECD implementation
● The role of CHVs and ECD champions

Leveraging intersectionalities: Coordination, Technical Working Groups, and implementation blocks

● Facilitating collaborations and technical support at all levels of governance management
● Working with governments in ensuring quality of collaborative processes

Aligning knowledge: Indigenous or traditional child-rearing practices and cultures that promote nurturing care

● Evidence and tradition: Uniqueness of cultural and indigenous child-rearing practices proven to support resilience in adversity
●  Common childcare needs and responses in diverse contexts – rural, urban and marginalized circumstances

Reframing inclusivity: A good start for all children

● Opportunities and challenges across socio-economic contexts
● Targeted approaches/models for children living in difficult circumstances/underserved areas – conflict, ASAL, disabilities
● Childcare experiences of caregivers across the socio-economic divide.
● Equity for children and families living with disability, poverty, harsh climatic conditions and insecurity.

Early Childhood Education

● Early childhood education curriculum in diverse contexts
● Gains and, drawbacks in the development of early childhood education policy in Africa
● Early Childhood Education and Higher Education
● Devolution and early childhood education
● Training of teachers in early childhood education
● ECE in Refugee contexts
● Assessing the CBC: is it an opportunity or hindrance to holistic nurture and care?